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Jungeun Kim, Ph.D.


• 겉으로는 괜찮아 보이지만, 속으로는 하루하루가 버거운 이들에게.
• 자신의 감정조차 흐릿하게 느껴지는 이들에게.
• 인간관계에서 자주 상처받아 방어적으로 대하게 되는 이들에게.

이제 오래된 불안, 우울, 그리고 스스로를 비난하는 마음과 작별할 시간입니다.


위로와 치유를 위한 이 공간에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

Are you a people-pleaser, overthinker and/or perfectionist, who is looking for a non-judgmental, transformative space to gain insights and self-awareness about why your inner critics are so loud? You may be feeling exhausted from putting yourself down and dismissing your own needs in the name of productivity, achievement, or avoiding rejection and mistakes. You have spent enough time being harsh on yourself. It's time to be kind to yourself. I can help you take action toward the life you want instead of getting stuck in your own mind.

Utilizing empirically supported treatments, I strive to help my clients make their decisions based on healthy, wise mind, not based on fear. We will collaboratively explore bio-psycho-socio-cultural factors (e.g., family, trauma) influencing and interacting with your symptoms, with the goals of improved self-awareness and positive behavioral changes. We will master skills to go beyond symptom-reduction

"towards a fully connected, vibrant, authentic, and meaningful life".  

I'm a good fit for someone who needs a gentle, warm, and collaborative approach in a safe space, where their Wounded Self can be soothed and processed deeply. With the past 16 years of working at various universities, I have a deepened understanding of research findings and effective interventions.

I offer specialized, individualized, confidential care that large tech companies and therapy mills cannot provide.

My Story

Born and raised in Korea, I completed my B.S. and M.A. at Ewha Womans University in Korea. I received my Doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology from State University of New York at Albany. I completed an APA-accredited internship at California State University, Long Beach, and postdoctoral clinical fellowship at George Washington University Counseling Center. I have extensive experiences of working with undergraduate and graduate students at university counseling centers, such as University of Illinois Counseling Center and University of California Irvine Counseling Center. I have also worked with older adults in dealing with age-related issues and grief/loss concerns. With broad experiences at a variety of clinical settings (e.g., addiction recovery center, community mental health clinic, university counseling centers, and federal residential facility) and my sensitivity to diverse clients, I apply a unique combination of theoretical and culturally practical knowledge to working with clients. I have conducted research on acculturation, perfectionism, social justice, and professional identity, and have continued to present at regional and national conferences. I have also designed and facilitated psychoeducational programs/groups (e.g., Anxiety Toolbox, Perfectionism Workshop) that help clients build behavioral and psychological strategies.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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