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Jungeun Kim
2024년 11월 11일4분 분량
Stuck Yet Seeking: Overcoming Resistance for True Growth
Stepping out of your comfort zone takes courage, especially when you feel stuck in a cycle of struggle, even while yearning for change...
조회수 4회댓글 0개

Jungeun Kim
2024년 11월 11일3분 분량
When the Child Grows Up First: The Emotional Burden of Immature Parents
Growing up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent can profoundly shape the lives of children as they grow into...
조회수 6회댓글 0개

Jungeun Kim
2024년 8월 5일1분 분량
🌅 Breakdown and Breakthrough
Life can be tough, and sometimes we hit rock bottom. These moments, though challenging, are often the stepping stones to our greatest...
조회수 15회
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